
There is no denying that teaching reading and writing can be complex. Because of this complexity, Leah is passionate about supporting educators and schools to simplify the art and science of teaching reading and writing to students.
These five instructional literacy books focus on deconstructing the reading and writing process and discuss how to leverage reading to support writing…and writing to support reading.
We-Do Writing: Maximizing Practice to Develop Independent Writers By Leah Mermelstein
The “We Do” model of instruction explores the 3 different content areas for writing and details how to use this custom-designed model to teach with simplicity and a respect for supported practice. You will learn how to prioritize equitable instruction by offering students, who need it, more time to compose together during Interactive Writing, Write Aloud, and Writing Process sessions. The end result? Independent, proficient writers.
Self-Directed Writers: The Third Essential Element in the Writing Workshop By Leah Mermelstein
“I’m done. What should I do now?” If you hear this question often from students during a Writing Workshop, this book offers solutions for making this time more productive -- for both students and teachers. Learn the 10 qualities that teachers should have to nurture students and help them meet and exceed the Common Core State Standards. This book details practical strategies and tips to try to transform your Writing Workshop from a chorus of “what next?” to the quiet hum of deeply engaged kids.
Don’t Forget to Share: The Crucial Last Step in the Writing Workshop By Leah Mermelstein
Traditionally, Writing Workshop includes a three-part framework: a mini-lesson, writing time, and a share session. This book focuses on maximizing the often overlooked, yet critical share session. From set up to facilitation, learn how to execute rich conversations that support students’ improvement in four specific areas of writing, including content, craft, process, and progress.
Reading/Writing Connections in the K-2 Classroom: Find the Clarity and Then Blur the Lines
By Leah Mermelstein
This book demonstrates how through careful, explicit assessing, planning, and teaching, every student can understand and use the reading/writing connection to develop into stronger readers and writers.
Launching the Writing Workshop (Units of Study for Primary Writing: A Yearlong Curriculum)
By Leah Mermelstein and Lucy Calkins
This book inspires and teaches classroom teachers how to launch a joyful and rigorous Writing Workshop in their classrooms. Enjoy minute-by-minute, live-from-the-classroom coaching that shows how to refine classroom lessons to do justice to the curious minds that you teach. Content includes detailed writing sessions that teachers might conduct at the start of the year, including setting goals, sharing assessment rubrics, and sample teaching lessons.